
愛林媽媽 2013-03-14 16:34:18 #41F
Keshe-宇宙在一個瓶子 http://www.momomv.com/a.asp?id=869
愛林媽媽 2013-03-14 21:37:35 #42F
20130302_keshe凱史展示重量改變 http://www.momomv.com/a.asp?id=1385
愛林媽媽 2013-03-15 06:15:33 #43F
Keshe教學 1:介紹和重力 http://www.momomv.com/a.asp?id=409
愛林媽媽 2013-03-16 06:10:29 #44F
Keshe教學 2:中子的事項 http://www.momomv.com/a.asp?id=410
愛林媽媽 2013-03-16 16:35:48 #45F
復旦教授發明水溶液鋰電池,汽車充電10秒可跑400公里 http://www.awaker.net/2013/03/16/fudan-professor-invention-an-aqueous-solution-of-lithium-batteries-car-charging-10-seconds-to-run-400-km.html 目前市面上的電動汽車出行距離為 150-180 公里,而復旦大學教授吳宇平領導的課題研究小組發明出了一種新型水鋰電,可將電動汽車的行駛距離最高提升至 400 公里,且充電時間僅需十幾秒鐘,有望破解新能源車充電難的瓶頸。 上述報道還稱,《自然》(Nature) 雜誌子刊《科學報道》(Sci.Report) 已於 3 月 7 日刊發了吳宇平的這一研究成果,產業化應用前景被業界看好。 這種新型的水鋰電,即為水溶液可充鋰電池。該課題組的研究成員王旭炯介紹說,它是用普通的水溶液來替換傳統鋰電池中的有機電解質溶液,依靠鋰離子在正負電極之間的遷移而產生電流的。但低電位的鋰離子會和水溶液發生電化學反應(析出氫,生成氫氧化鋰)而使電池自身發生損耗,不能發生可逆充電。不過,經過多年研究攻關,該課題組成功破解了這一難題,即用高分子材料和無機材料製成複合膜,包裹在金屬鋰之外。 該水鋰電的最大亮點在於:能量密度高、損耗低,從而使電池充電時間更短、儲存電量更多、耐用時間更久。吳宇平樂觀地表示,預計只要短短 6 秒鐘的時間,該水鋰電就能充滿 30 度電,而 60 度電便能供電動汽車行駛 400 公里。 「新型水鋰電成本較低,可應用於各行各業。」吳宇平說。目前,已有國外新能源汽車開發相關機構提出合作需求。
愛林媽媽 2013-03-17 08:13:49 #46F
Keshe教學 3:核衰變和運動 http://www.momomv.com/a.asp?id=411
愛林媽媽 2013-03-18 15:41:51 #47F
Keshe教學 4:融合 http://www.momomv.com/a.asp?id=412
愛林媽媽 2013-03-20 06:21:56 #48F
【自由能源全球普及】3月17日 凱史M T Keshe在基金會論壇上的留言 The Keshe Foundation in the past month has taken deliberate and clear distance from getting involved in any move in how to push for the world leaders to sign the peace treaty, and left this in the hand of the world citizens to do what and how they could see correct to approach their leaders for themselves. 在過去的一個月內,Keshe基金會對促使世界各國領導人簽署和平協議一事保持著慎重的態度和清晰的界限。此事的主動權一直在世界各國的公民手中,由他們選擇自認為最合適的方式來與他們的領導者溝通。 As far as we are informed, a large number of ambassadors and their leaders around the word have received the peace treaty and these have been sent from their embassies to their governments for decision making by their respective governments and their leaders. 據我們接收到的正式通知,全世界大量的大使們以及他們的領導者們已經收到了和平條約。而這些和平條約已經被從各個大使館發往各個政府,供各自的政府和領導決策。 As in the procedure with the technology transfer with USB stick, we allowed the governments to receive the information without interference from the Foundation and as they started the research in the new technology independently, then we have started the procedure for teaching and releasing and developing of the technology with others as organisations, companies, groups and individuals and we will do the same with the world peace treaty. 在遞交和平條約的同時,我們同樣通過遞交U盤完成了技術轉讓。我們允許各個政府接收U盤內的信息,並且當他們開始對新科技進行獨立研究的時候不受Keshe基金會的干預。之後我們還將對企業、公司、團體、及個人啟動類似的程序(遞交和平條約和技術轉讓的U盤)。 Now in the same manner with peace treaty we will keep our silence and position until 21.3.2013 and then on 22.3.2013 we will declare our point in respect to how and why the present wars are mainly instigated and in whose benefit and how world citizens can instigate world peace through their newly gained knowledge and their actions. 對於和平條約的簽署,我們將保持目前沉默的態度和立場直到2013年3月21日。然後在2013年3月22日,我們將揭露對目前的戰爭是如何被煽動的,為什麼被發起,以及誰是受益者。同時我們將告知世界各國的公民如何通過他們新獲得的知識推進世界和平的實現。 I request those whom are following us not to stop the process of informing your leaders even after the 21.3 2013. 我請求那些跟隨我們和平進程的人們在2013年3月21日後繼續保持與你們領導人的溝通。 Then from 22nd we will move forward for mass signing of the treaty and take new steps to enforce the peace treaty and we will make our position clear. 從22日起,我們將進一步大範圍的簽署和平協議,而且我們將為實現和平協議採取新的步驟,同時我們將表明Keshe基金會的鮮明立場。 Those whom have chosen to be bystanders until now, they will soon have to make decision to be involved in the movement of changing themselves to be part of the peace treaty by not to be afraid of losing their position and nether to be fashionable, but to be able to create the change through their own personal conducts that collectively as the race the man accepts peace and peaceful coexistence as a natural way of life and then the race of the man in short time will be ready to join the universal community as a whole. 那些至今仍選擇作為旁觀者的人們,很快將需要作出決定來加入推進世界和平條約的行列。人們將促進世界和平,不是因為他們害怕沒有跟隨潮流,而是他們更願意通過自己的努力與協作來促使整個世界達到和平共存的狀態。不久之後的人類將準備好作為一個整體來加入宇宙大家庭。 In my Open letter to be releasd on 22.3.2013, which was written to be released on the 28.2.2013 and for clear reasons due to circumstances and its contents, this letter was withheld to be released until that we could be as open as one could be to explain the reality about how peace has been kept away from the race of the man by deliberate acts of some of the so called world leaders and in turn after its release we expect positive reaction from these leaders in facilitating the world peace treaty signing and commitments for it by their governments and its implication. 我將在2013年3月22日發佈的公開信本來是要在2月28號發佈的,但由於此信的內容以及最近的一些事件,這封信被保留到22日發佈。我們將向你們解釋這些所謂的世界領導人是如何通過蓄意的安排使得目前的人類仍然遠離和平。我們期望世界各國的領導人對世界和平條約進行積極響應,推動各個政府及附屬機構簽署和平協議。 As I promised I have delivered my peace treaty documents to the two more influential politicians of the present time, firstly to my president His Excellency president Ahmadinejad and secondly to His Excellency president Obama. 如我所承諾的,我已經將和平條約文件遞交給了兩位目前更有影響力的政治家,即我的總統內賈德總統閣下和奧巴馬總統閣下。 We are waiting to know as they have signed it by their public word, if they will announce and commit themselves to it in writing according to their past talk for desire for peaceful coexistence and world peace. 我們正在等待被告知他們是否會按照他們之前對公眾所說的渴望和平共處及世界和平那樣公開簽署世界和平協議。 I have delivered the package of the world peace treaty to the office of my nation』s religious leader His Imminence and Holly be His name the Grand Ayatollah Imam Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei thought the right and appropriate channels in Iranian government apparatus. 我已將裝有世界的和平條約的信封遞交到了我國宗教領袖的辦公室。 At the same time I have given the peace treaty documents in the same manner to the men close to previous Pope before his resignation which was not delivered to him due to his sudden resignation and the same package will be delivered to new elected His Immense Pope Francis as he is not sworn in to office as of yet for him to receive the package of peace treaty too. 同時我也以同樣的方式遞交了和平條約文件給一位接近前任教皇的人。由於前任教皇的突然辭職,這份和平條約將轉交給新選出來的繼任者。 Now we see if the leaders of politicians and religions can come to agree to talk and enforce the act of peace. 現在我們將會清楚的看到這些政界人士和宗教領袖是否會同意談論並實施世界和平。 Our offer of peace to our friends as some tell me, it has been responded to in positive way as we see in the news that for the first time positive moves have been made, we wait and see if the same leaders will commit themselves to peace treaty too in public soon. 當我們向我們的朋友們提供和平協議的時候,我們收到了積極的回應。我等待看到那些領導者也將公開的致力於推進世界和平條約。 I Hope that the Canadian prime minster will sign his treaty as he has received his and we forgive him for his evil acts of the past as forgiveness is needed if the world peace has to be among all men and at the same time our African presidents will follow the same as I have personally delivered the package of the world peace treaty to their representatives. 我也希望加拿大總理簽署這份條約,因為他也收到了他的那份。而且我們原諒他曾經的罪行,因為如果要對所有人推行世界和平條約,寬恕是必須的。同樣的,我也希望非洲的總理們簽署這份協議,我已經將這份協議遞交給他們的代理人。 After the 22.3.2013 we will work towards one goal and that is the implementation of the technology to achieve world peace. 在2013年3月22日後,我們將通過執行新的科技來實現世界和平的目標。 Those who want to join the world peace treaty need no excuses to hold back and those whom need to see miracles before they believe in it then will have to make it themselves to happen. 那些希望加入世界和平的人不再需要為猶豫不決辯解了。那些需要先看到奇跡再相信奇跡的人將需要通過自己實現奇跡。 The peace will not be handed over through wage packets and social security payments, or by birds as a child, but through believing, acting and informing oneself that what the word peace treaty dividends shall be for the race of the man as a whole. 和平將不會通過工資、社會保障金、或和平鴿的方式遞交到我們手中,而是通過我們的信念和行動實現。世界和平條約將是整個人類種族的福利。 M T Keshe http://forum.keshefoundation.org/showthread.php?1484-Signing-of-the-world-peace-treaty-and-World-peace-conference
愛林媽媽 2013-03-21 06:42:43 #49F
Keshe教學 4:融合 http://www.momomv.com/a.asp?id=412
愛林媽媽 2013-03-22 06:32:19 #50F
Keshe教學 5:光的飛行和製作 http://www.momomv.com/a.asp?id=413








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